dinsdag 24 maart 2009

La la la

In my head all day
Micachu - Lips

zaterdag 21 maart 2009


Yesterday was my birthday, and it was awesome:D
I threw a birthday party and had cake and presents and all that.

O, and I'm a first-day-of-spring-child this year, hooray!

(photos from weheartit.com & yougnapark.com )

woensdag 11 maart 2009

Out of space

I'm gonna send him to outer space
To find another race.
I'm gonna send him to outer space
To find another race.

I'll take your brain to another dimension

I'll take your brain to another dimension

I'll take your brain to another dimension

Pay close attention

(all pictures from weheartit.com)

vrijdag 6 maart 2009


Please watch this wonderful concert I've been to:


And spread the word about the great Kyteman..

Photos from Atze de Vrieze , Katerina Plevkova, and me
Btw, Kings Of Leon was great, well it wasn't perfect, it was just a nice concert;)